Senior Product Engineer Erwin Silkens liaises with customers, suppliers, and numerous other stakeholders to ensure product development and technical support at Euramax are taken care of down to the very last details. He’s often literally on the side during production, making sure things run smoothly.
Erwin works at the Quality Control & Development department, which at Euramax is known as ‘the lab’. ‘I focus on product development and provide technical support.’ Depending on the project phase, various tasks are involved in this. ‘Together with our Sales department we translate the needs of the customer into a product. Subsequently I meet with the supplier to manage the development and to make it workable. Then it’s time to finetune what needs to be ordered with Logistics, and to coordinate when tests can take place with Planning.’ Once production starts, Erwin stays closely involved. ‘I coordinate with Production, keep an eye on things during the execution, and step in where needed. I can’t let go until the new production process is fully established.’ Erwin doesn’t shy away from this range of tasks: ‘The bigger the challenge during the preparation, the bigger the thrill when it all comes together successfully.’
In product development, Erwin benefits from his chemical and technical knowledge, which he describes as ‘being able to think in molecules’. ‘I can really put myself in the product and the process. It’s like I’m flowing through the process together with the coating.’ A recent success is the development of the innovative SuperiorCoat, the ultra-protective coating for among others motorhomes and caravans. His ‘crew’ was also approached for the development of a specific coating system that would be applied in high-tech surroundings. Erwin: ‘The coating had to meet certain requirements for colour, conductivity and resistance against numerous chemical substances.’ Erwin sank his teeth into the elaborate input and went looking for suppliers. And according to him, something like this brings the company more than just a successful product. ‘The learning and innovations we gain during such a process are also applied in our mobility division.’
It may be clear that Erwin is ‘on your side’. According to him, it all comes down to being flexible. For example when things aren’t going as planned and something near-impossible has to be arranged with a supplier. ‘Then we make sure things turn out well anyway,’ Erwin says. ‘A typical Euramaxer for me has passion for the work, goes the extra mile to achieve goals, is next-level customer-oriented and dedicated.’ Erwin himself is a textbook example of that dedication. ‘When someone drops the ball, I pick it back up. I love helping others with their questions and I value a good collaboration. Others also go the extra mile for me. And with suppliers I often get things done based on a good relationship.’
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